
Castello Sforzesco

Piazza Castello

  • Andare alle fonti: strumenti per il progetto e lo studio della grafica

    Andare alle fonti: strumenti per il progetto e lo studio della grafica

    Alessia Alberti, Davide Fornari, Valentina Manchia, Silvia Sfligiotti, Marta Sironi

    To the sources: tools for designing and studying graphic design

    The meeting develops into three connected moments intended to share, especially with young professionals and students, a research and project methodology that has graphic documents and documentary sources as its starting points. The meeting takes place and starts from the collections of the Civica Raccolta di Stampe A. Bertarelli to then present recent publications, research, and exhibitions that address the issue of sources through different methods and perspectives: the series “Antologia di cultura grafica” by Lazy Dog Press, the project The Sources of Jan Tschichold’s “the New Typography” by ECAL, and IDA Investigating Digital Archives, a project by ISIA Urbino on documentary sources for visual communication available on the Web.

    TALK 25 may | 14:30 - 17:00
  • Max Huber, Albe e Lica Steiner. La cultura visiva dagli anni ’30 al dopoguerra tra l’Italia e la Svizzera

    Max Huber, Albe e Lica Steiner. La cultura visiva dagli anni ’30 al dopoguerra tra l’Italia e la Svizzera

    Franco Origoni, Anna Steiner

    Max Huber, Albe e Lica Steiner. The visual culture between Italy and Switzerland from the 1930s to the postwar

    Huber and Steiner had a solid professional relationship and a deep friendship, born primarily during the Resistance years. Against the background of these personal events, we will reminisce on the ancient relationship between two nations that, for many years, shared the same culture and experiences in the field of graphic design and, more broadly, of visual cultures.

    TALK 24 may | 15:00 - 16:00
  • Diritto al Nome: mappe di se stessi

    Diritto al Nome: mappe di se stessi

    A cura di Benedetta Sipioni

    The Right to a Name: Maps of the Self

    Starting from a reflection on Massimo Mantellini's book Dieci splendidi oggetti morti (Einaudi, 2020), the workshop aims to follow the path of some objects that have changed in front of our eyes: from maps to telephones, from pens to letters, from cameras to newspapers. In particular, participants will explore the map object and, together with the expert, create a map of their identity through the graphical sign. This workshop organised by Big is part of the schedule of the Festival delle bambine e dei Bambini promoted by the City of Milan.

    The workshop will be held in the Sala Bertarelli.
    Age 6/11.

    WORKSHOP 26 may | 11:00 - 12:00